Although we have tried our best to make X-Setup as error-free as possible, there will be constellations where X-Setup does not work as expected or using it will result in "strange" effects. Therefore we provide these topics to help you.

If you do not have a problem, but would like to know what you can do to avoid any problems with X-Setup, see the A Word Of Warning topic.

Important: Because of the massive success of X-Setup, Xteq Systems can no longer provide email support for X-Setup. We regret we had to make this change, but it was the only solution to keep X-Setup freeware for most of our users! Please do not sent support issues via email, they will be answered with an auto responder.

What to do when you have a problem with X-Setup

  1. First of all, keep cool and don't panic!
  2. Uninstalling X-Setup, although a common reaction, won't help. This action does not roll back any changes you made, so it won't solve your problem. Plus, the most problems user encounter when using X-Setup are side-effects of settings they have changed. Therefore, you will need X-Setup to revert the changes and resolve the problem.
  3. Read README.TXT located inside the folder where you installed X-Setup. This file maybe contains late-breaking information that aren't included in this help file and might already document a solution for your problem
  4. Read the Known Issues topic in this help file which documents problems with X-Setup that we already know about.
  5. Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) topic in this help file. It lists questions we are often asked and the answers.
  6. Visit the Online Support Page for general support tips.
  7. Visit the Document Center which documents all important topics about products from Xteq Systems.
  8. Visit the X-Setup Online Forum which is a peer-2-peer help forum for users of X-Setup. This forum is moderated by Xteq Systems.